Active filters: {{::filter.fieldValue}}

Group by: {{ productCatalogGroupingSettings.getFieldToGroupCatalogBy() | prettifyLabels}}

Status: Resolved
Data has been recovered, and the analysis is back to normal.
Dear User,
We are currently experiencing some disruptions related to data availability: we are working hard to fix the problem to make sure we offer reliable results to you, but in the meantime please do not run any analysis.
We expect to solve this issue by 9am CET, nevertheless, we will keep you informed on this.
The Wonderflow Team.
The data for the Wonderboard is currently being updated.
Please check back at 3:30 PM CET for a fully updated Wonderboard! If you have any questions, let us know.
2nd level anaysis (English and German) have been released. 3rd-level analysis for German and English will be released on Wednesday, May 8th, at 9:00 AM (Amsterdam time).
This is the NLP test dashboard. Use it only to perform your NLP evaluation test. For live data please log in again with your standard user credentials

No groups to show by {{ productCatalogGroupingSettings.getFieldToGroupCatalogBy() }}

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We can’t seem to find any products that match your search for "{{ProductListSearch.query}}".


Make sure that the product name or the sku are spelled correctly
If you think we are missing something please contact our customer support

TIP: Now you can search the catalog also by SKU, give it a try using the new search bar